What’s your therapist reading?


June 2022


It’s been a long drought for reading. As I return I am going back to a favourite, the women behind the discovery of EMDR! It is a very accessible read with lots of examples.

Here are a few books I have up next on my list! Some recommended by clients. Keep me honest and see if I actually get to the ones below. I am a huge comedy fan, so I always read any comedians book. If you get the Audible version of Seth Rogan’s book, I hear it is read BY HIM…that laugh tho…hahaha.


I finished getting past your past, as usual it was great. I finished Seth Rogan’s book (amazing) and one not listed Tom Segura’s book. I got started and within 30 seconds I was in tears with laughter. I started ‘My Year of Rest and Relaxation’ but I am not sure how I feel about it…well written just a very unlikable protagonist.


My most recent reads in past few years
I do have a type don’t I? I love autobiographies, a good human story and Canadian when possible. I pretty much exclusively read Non-Fiction. Nerd alert..

A few of my all time favourites!!

Throughout my life, my mother always was a book pusher. She was clear that books are free education and to take full advantage of that.. The first book listed here was a doozy. She gave it to me, and I read it at 12. I remember crying in my bed and feeling so touched. I have gone through spells of reading veraciously, and after my kids, sparingly. But I have found my way back and have learned what a nurturing activity this is for me and a wonderful connection to my mother.